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Update time! So turns out drawing the same characters for 20 comic pages or so can take its toll on your creative drive. So for the sake of my sanity, I'm gonna take a break from NecroNOMicon to focus on other projects. I wanna make it absolutely clear that I'm not abandoning Necro, I just need to take a quick breather from working on it. I already have the last 5-10 pages planned out so it ain't going anywhere!

So what other projects will I be focussed on? Well that's entirely up to you! I'll be putting up a poll tomorrow where you guys can vote on which character my next comic will be focussed on!

Moving forward, I'm gonna try to make my comics shorter for the sake of more variety. Thank you all for your understanding!

-Chicken man (not Gustavo Fring, the other one)




Understandable, burnout can be an issue. Curious what the other projects you have in mind are, specifically if they include continuations of old projects. After all, Tsuyu wears the weight quite well.


It's understandable, take your time man! Make sure you're okay