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Hi everyone!

The brilliant folks over at Mage Hand Press have created 2 more adventures for you to use within your own games! These are completely free for all patrons, so please check them out.

The adventures are:
- Last Haul of the Tenrec set on the Tenrec Digger
- Every Life Worth Saving set on the Caladrius Medical Ship

Try them out for yourselves and let us know what you think in our Discord or in the comments below!

We're really enjoying making these with Mage Hand Press and feel like Dark Matter is a great system to use with our maps, especially our ships. Let us know if you'd like to see ore of these or other Dark Matter collaborative content!

Not heard of Dark Matter before? It's a sci-fi space faring game using the DnD 5e system as a base. Check out the link for more information. :)



Matthew Porter

So excited for these - I run a Dark Matter game and am always looking for new content.