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Evening folks! Thank you so much for the support you've shown us over the last 24 hours. Phew, what a whirlwhind! Our discounted tiers are almost sold out already and we haven't even made our first release yet!

As promised here is our first spaceship, and we really hope you enjoy it!

But oh wait! What's that on our radar screens?! Skipper! It's moving at over 85 H-Knots! It can only be...a Dragonette Star Racer?! Approaching fast. What are your orders sir?!

From here on out we'll be posting a new ship once a week with the aim of releasing 4-5 ships a month. 

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Get your Star Racers from the links below!

Dragonette - Star Racer [30x39] $1 Rewards

Dragonette - Star Racer [30x39] $5 Rewards

Dragonette - Star Racer [30x39] - VTT Files

Dragonette - Star Racer [30x39] - Animated Files

The $10 rewards will be the animated map files and the VTT modules.
But just like at Czepeku this stuff will usually come a few days later than the initial post.
For now we've uploaded the Foundry VTT files but the E+ module and animated files will be coming soon. Sorry for the wait but we'll keep you updated!

Here are the variants we made for this one. I'm sure those of you that follow our fantasy work will be pleased to see that the massacre variants will still continue throughout Hyperdrive Fleet:

Once again, thank you so much for the support, we hope you'll enjoy the spaceships from here on out!




This is amazing

Akira Currier

I would love to see maps for ships like those on The Expanse. The floors of the ships are vertically oriented (like an office building) so that thrust simulates gravity. Love your art!


Nice! The supplements are awesome as well. One thing though, I believe Dragonette_Breached_Interior both gridded and gridless have a white line to the right

Hyperdrive Fleet

Just fixed this! Thanks for letting us know. We've re-uploaded the files so you can try again (it should work).


Absolutely adore the scrapship variant. Fingers crossed this becomes a standard variant going forward. Love that space junker vibe.

Esben Christiansen

Hyperdrive Fleet have you considered making a Breached and Massacre mix, like the Breached ship with blood smeared interior??

Tyler B.

Loving the ship designs and look forward to more in the future. One question though, any plans to do smaller scale vehicles like flying cars or speeder bikes?

Daniel Gonzales

Looks like the Dragonette Massacre Interior was mixed up with the Military Interior! Just fyi.

Robin Baggett

This is my favourite ship. It's just such a great design and layout!