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Hi y’all. I wanted to share that I got into a minor car accident two days ago. Car is currently very out of commission which sucks, and I’m not sure if it will be okay, but I’m glad I’M okay physically. This whole ordeal brought up a lot of stuff from my past, a lot of not so good stuff.. but it also helped me realize I was not fully healed from my past yet. I still had, and still have… a lot of anger from it.

I am trying my best to see the silver linings in all things that have happened in my life, and this is one of the biggest things I’m trying to do right now.

I planned on doing my little Christmas shoot the day I got into the accident, and I’m going to try to do it tonight. Y’all are here and spend your time supporting me and I have seriously been meaning to make more content.

There is a reason why I haven’t been as active, and some of that is also due to fear and me being scared. But.. 2024 is a year where I think I will take things head on and have the confidence that things will turn out okay.

I love you all, even if we haven’t spoken directly know I care about you. This started off as a mental health page and it still is, even with my selfies and portraits (I did start off as a photographer as some of you may know!!)

Okay… catch ya later!


Michael Ryan

Ms Bear, Mishka if I may. I hope everything is alright, and I know that sounds like a dumb thing to say after you having an accident. But I'm hoping you understand what I meant. You have been such a strong support for me to lean on. Your post have helped me when I was low. Now if I can help to raise your spirits, I will try. Cars can be replaced, bruises heal, scars are sexy... Oh wait that last line was from a Keanu Reeves movie were he's a football player. Any way remember, always look on the bright side of life... Shit did it again that was Monty Python. Mishka Bear I'm sorry I suck at this. Just know my heart is with you and you can contact me if you need to talk or anything. 🫶✌️🏳️‍🌈


Sorry to hear about your accident. Keep your head up and try not to let it bring you down. Take care of yourself and the rest will come when you're ready.