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These photos were taken after I was chased by giant mutant mosquitos while I was trying find a location to set up at. It takes me around 10 mins to walk to the place I usually like to set my camera up.. and that isn’t counting the drive to the location. And then boom, I walk to my spot and it’s covered with hundreds of these HUGE mosquitoes. No matter where I ran.. how fast I ran.. NOTHING MATTERED… they followed me. I was defeated. I felt like all was ruined. Then I decided to go to a more public area and they finally went away… I hated it since I don’t like to be in people’s way or in their view when I’m filming or taking portraits. I was so upset because I really liked how I looked before I left the house, and then I was hit with the mosquitoes and sprinting! My hair was ruined, my makeup was running… ahhh. I’m happy I got these shots though. Even if they aren’t my all time favorite ❤️



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