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I went to the doctor’s today to get blood work done.

Background: I’ve been extremely fatigued for 2-3 months now. Never waking up rested, needing 10+ hours of sleep a night plus naps. It was so hard for me to keep up with work and people, I couldn’t focus for long and got many headaches. I’ve gone to many different doctors and they all told me to get blood work done.

I went today, and in the middle of talking to her I got incredibly lightheaded and almost passed out. She suspected hypoglycemia and dehydration. They gave me water and crackers and told me to lay down. After I felt a bit better they took my blood. Results on the way.

She told me I need to implement some major life changes. 4-6 small meals/snacks a day, exercise, water, and NO MORE 40 MCDONALD CHICKEN NUGGETS 🤣

I’m very proud of how much I’ve been able to get done with you guys on here while going through this. I can’t wait until I can get all my energy back. For my royals: I haven’t worked on your 1-2 videos just yet but no worries as I plan to get those to you by the end of the month okay? ❤️❤️❤️

For those who haven’t gotten back to me yet I’ll send another direct message next week to see what’s up :) it’s okay if you don’t want certain benefits btw! No worries hehe. All I want is you to be happpppy here!

Love you family, thank you for your strength and care.

- Amber


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