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Hey guys! I hope you are having a great day!

So, after that break, I think it’s time to talk about the future. Not much has been said, but as well, there isn’t much to say since there isn’t too much on the board.

So first, let’s address the most important thing right now: this page.

No more charges until I fully develop the future.

I haven’t charged any money through Patreon for more than 1 year, so you can be sure that I’m serious when I say I won’t charge anymore.The only reason for this Page to exists, is to have a place where I will communicate with the interested people about the future. Once that’s settled, that’s it.When will that time come? Who knows, but if you are interested of what is going to happen in the future, you can keep your pledge in, I strongly recommended to change it to $1 though, so in the case something stupid happens on my end and I somehow forget about pausing billing, your loses won’t be high and I hope patreon can refund that amount faster. I’m not sure how refund works, but anyway.

No more model releases.

Well, I don’t fully remember if I did, but I have vague memories of me saying that Sheva is the last model to be released in this page. Once she’s released, that’s it. This page won’t see any model release anymore.

I have a couple of model ideas, but they are not characters per se, they are more like helpers.Most advanced users won’t see much benefit from it, but I have faith thanks to LordAardvark that it may actually be a very good model for both beginners and intermediate users.

Other than that, there won’t be anymore model releases. So, if you are still pledging for that, you may want to consider to pull your pledge.

The current future: the book.

Before I took a break, I ran into very serious issues with the book: basically, I was messing around with files, and in a move which I can’t still explain how it happened, I managed to overwrite the current version to one that is missing the last three days and a few of extra content I wrote (remember: the book is on a per-dayformat) so I will need to write again those, and I would be back to where I was left in the beginning.

Right now, I want to finish the book. I have wrote a lot on it to just give up on it after that mess up. I think I didn’t lose the screenshots, so that’s a positive.

I hope I can get back to write it as soon as possible.

The short future: more models?

Like I mentioned before, I’m not ready to give up on Model Building. I feel like I’m not done and I still have more models to build. I also want to keep researching about models and shaders, I feel like the Anime Shader is still a pending issue that I hope I can help to finally fix.

I also want to make this a little more team based, where once I built a model, I send it to some testers while I focus on other things, like research. This team will be the responsible for both the testing and the public release of the model.

Before anyone says anything:

- No. It’s not going to be the same model than Patreon where everyone have a chance to select. I still haven’t thought this thoroughly.

- No. I’m not doing a merit-based selection on testers. I’m hand-picking them.

- No. The model won’t get hold 1 month like in here. The testers will literally do that: test.If they think the model is in a releasable state, the model will be released 10 days after the initial testings.

- No. You cannot offer yourself as a tester, I will select only a handful of people. No. I won’t see your work to see if your works are good. I’m not selecting people because their works are good: I’m selecting them to test the model.

So this is clear: No. I’m not changing to anything merit-based. I just want people to test the stuff so I can focus on other things.

This may end up adding more questions than solving them, but still, I think it’s good to give you guys, the people who have supported me all this time, some sort of ideas of what the future holds for us now.

If there’s any question that this may have raised, please feel free to ask! Wash your hands and have a great day!


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