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TL;DR - I'm alive, trying new shit. Comment please.


HELLO! I hope you guys had a nice thanksgiving, we don't celebrate this down there but from what I've heard is a nice time for family food, so I hope you didn't clutter your arteries!

So, after working in commissions, I've just had an idea about some flexes, and here's my logic.

Back when I animated, I always had this issue where the open genital flexes almost never fitted. The hole was too big, or too small. It was never on point.

So I had this fucking stupid idea in my head: why not instead of having only open gens, why not having 2 controllers per flex?

Those controllers are:


It's basically that. Having a width and height controller. This in turn, will require to have more flexes to animate, instead of keyframing Open Anus, you would keyframe Open Anus Width and Open Anus Height.

I don't know what you guys think, but instead of proposing it for the new model, I have a friend of mine testing it out. Myself, I'm testing it too, and I don't want to induce bias on you, but it's amazing. Yes, the effort for animating will increase just a little bit, but it's better than resizing both the male and female genitals just to make them more or less fit.

So yeah guys, I would like to hear from you, what do you think of this? Would you like it? Would you not? Please let me know! Please help me to build the bodies for us!


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