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 Hello! This is a post where I will go into some stuff that you guys might find interesting since it’s more or less how a model will develop, if it’s going to be easy or if it’s going to be the task.

First off, I want to say I’m happy to announce her flexes are done, so pretty much is time to work on her once I got the proper body (is almost done!)

So anyway, let’s start:


The textures for Cia are really low quality. I will try to make them look better so her clothing and her face doesn’t look as bad.

The Neck.

Once I was building the body, I just had a realization that worried me a lot: she’s wearing a turtle-neck thing. So the chances of her having a neck were considerably low. To my surprise, she actually had a neck below that thing.

This, however, while making the model building now a regular thing (neck is mandatory, otherwise it becomes extremely difficult to build), she having a black neck translates to “You need to do more texture work”. So that’s an extra step.

Body Paint.

Ok, with the Castanic model I did only the parts that were complete. In here, we have Cia with body paint on her legs

I’m honestly thinking about leaving them out, since I’m really sure people never noticed that and matching the body paint with the boot at the bottom sounds nothing less than a annoying thing to do. Will keep it in mind, but I might leave it out.


Guys, we are in for a nightmare. And with we I mean I.

Outfits can be pretty difficult to fit. The more tight they need to be, the harder it becomes to fit it without getting clipping. This one is going to be both a clipping nightmare and a fitting nightmare. To make things worse, her outfit is a one piece suit without a leg. I have no clue how I will fit that. To make things worse, there are a couple of pieces of metal that are part of the outfit, and if you remove the metal in other areas, then you will  see a nasty shadow. Before. After.  

So yeah, I think this particular model is going to be really hard. Wish me good luck.


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