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Hello everybody!

Thank you very much for all the people who took some of their valuable time and vote, thanks for being part of this!

And for the people who didn't vote, please vote next time! Make your voice be heard!

Now, this post was due yesterday, however, a lot of stuff came up and that gave people one more day to vote. And people did vote that one day! I apologize for being due, but anyway, let's go with the results!

Castanic mascot: Vote Results.

Before we jump to the votes, allow me one short foreword: I am surprised by the votes. The reason I gave people 5 votes to vote multiple times, was to give them enough options and avoid ties the most I could. I find really interesting how even though of having 5 votes, some people casted 3 votes, some other 5, some other even 1. And more interesting, was that for example, for hair some casted 1, for face 5 and for armor 2. Really interesting and unexpected lol


For the Castanic mascot voting, there where 4 elements that needed voting: face, hair, horns and armor. Here are the results:


With 23 choices, only 2 were completely dominant. And the one that came out on top was Number 8!

The voting was very close! The results of this voting can be checked on the following chart.


Compared to Face, Hair was more evenly distributed. With that in mind, after quite the ties, our winner was Number 8! I can see why you guys like Number 8!

If you guys don't know how close this one was, you should take a look to the following chart.


And now, one of the main assets of our castanic love: horns. Or handles if you may lol

Votes on horns were evenly distributed, and our winner was... Number 8! Oh wait, no! Number 8 actually lost! The winner is Number 19!

Number 19 thought 8's star was shinning way too bright, and decided to overshadow it, and she was successful! Look at the chart!


I need to confess, counting these are really fun! It's really interesting looking how when it looks like someone is winning, then surprise! Overtake!

Personally, the armor was the thing that had me with more suspense because at some point, the ties of 2 and then of 3 just happened, but in the end, we have a winner! And our winner is 23!

There's a reason why I only included half of the pic, and you will understand as soon as you look at the chart.

There were ties. Many ties. And the fact that just 1 of these won (and not by a lot) makes me think about what would have happen if everyone would have casted all the 5 votes you had...

Anyway, again, thank you guys for voting! I will start working in our mascot and since she's our mascot, all WIPs are going to be public! And stay tuned for the official model submissions!


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