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The biggest most annoying thing. I’m so mad they brought makarov back. He should’ve just died and it’s the dumbest thing.


Still I think the zeref and mavis death makes sense and all and was a fitting end

Fahad Khan

It was zeref and first master they bring back makarov


So it is slightly annoying that Makarov came back to life, but it was Zeref and Mavis who did it when they died


So technically, Makarov surviving is the ONLY one that made sense. Zeref and Mavis used all of their magic to bring him back.

Sour Taste

we understand that but it still sucks to see it since that was the best death Makarov could've gotten.


Me back again. So we talked about a long time ago how we disagree on Juvia staying dead being good, but we probably agree about the last one. Seems we do. Bcz this death is freaking idiotic. It's the biggest easy to fix writing mistake in the show. Makarov had an entire life, a good life. He had an amazing end, and it was ruined. I love this show, but this was so unnecessary. The only "fake-death" that annoys me. Because, the other characters were mostly young. If they wanted more Makarov screen-time they could have made a prequel like Fairy Tail Zero when Makarov was young. Instead we got this.. Would be super interesting to see characters development without their father figure. What a waste.


Hi! Yeah no I agree with this death for sure and it should’ve stayed dead. He was so old that they could’ve kept that as a perfect end for him. I think Ik who else you were going to say as your second person though.