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Fahad Khan



about the last episode of FT, if u guys want the opening will be like a wrapped up clip of the whole final series, and about the ending... dont skip any part of it, because all of the ending at the last episode is part of the episode itself :) BTW, how could you forget about one of the best ships: NatsuXLucy?? Lol


Happy had some character development in Edolas arc though. Ofc I still wanted him to get a new form like the rest. But he's not had 0 character development. Though it's been a freaking while lol.


Zeref took the Fairy Heart which is stated to have infinite power through regeneration because the curse of Ankshelam and all the experiments Prect/Hades did to Mavis' body to revive her. Zeref needed that power so he could control and be above the concept of time itself to erase all timelines and create one in his vision (infinite timelines because of the butterfly effect). We've seen Ultear try to go back which cost her almost all her life and split her consciousness in two (the old lady and her 'self' in distorted time) just for 1 minute. Zeref could've walked through but we've seen how much times he was conflicted or just contradicted himself so it's not surprising. While Natsu was clashing with Zeref, Lucy was powering him up and rewriting the link between him and Zeref. Natsu has been burning magic since the Nirvana Arc (oracion seis arc). The Flames of emotions has been a thing since episode 7 with him verse Erigor. Lost magic is a hundreds times multiplier already.


Ichiya has saved us on so many occasions throughout the series. Erza has always described him spot on. Weird/eccentric but reliable and strong


Happy is the definition of a mascot character done right. He's developed a lot. Strength/transformations are not indicative of good character writing. Edolas was a great arc and show that Happy can get serious when the need arises. His relationship with Lucy has changed dramatically from making fun of her each moment he gets to the moment with future Lucy's death. Even though he wasn't strong he was always there for everyone especially Natsu. He still has scenes in Key of the Starry Sky arc. He may not have a lot of development but that's not what his character was built for.

kenn junior