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Kelly Melvin

The hunger games were designed for kids to fight to the death. In order to volunteer you must be between the ages of 12-18. The only reason Mags could volunteer was because she was a former victor, and this game was victors only, so she was eligible. In normal circumstances, you can't be in the games past the age of 18. So, everyone who's won, including Mags, won when they were 14 or older. Finnick being the youngest at 14. Mags won the 11th Hunger games at age 16 so she's about 80

Lukastace NovaSword

Holy shit I forgot how much they leaned into the love triangle stuff in the movies

James Merlaut

One thing I wish the movie included. In the books, when they're on their way to the Capital to compete in the Quarter Quell, Katniss and Peeta sit down and watch some old footage of previous Hunger Games... when they find the tape for the 50th Hunger Games, the second Quarter Quell... and the games that made Haymitch a victory. The rule of that Quarter Quell was that the number of tributes would be doubled; 2 boys and 2 girls from each district. The book went into detail particularly on Haymitch's pov going through the Games. It was really good because it showed how intelligence alone could win the games; Haymitch was by no means a fighter like Katniss was or someone who could blend in like Peeta. He won the games purely using tactics, strategy and luck.

Chideraa Udegbulem

1,2,4 are the career districts who volunteer so she might have been from one of those probably 4

Chideraa Udegbulem

Yes Neel the fish your thinking of is piranhas also yall should watch the piranha movies

Chideraa Udegbulem

You have to be in the age range to volunteer other wise parents would always volunteer for their kids and the games would loose the point

Larissa VanDuzer

When Gale and Katniss first met in the woods she quietly said her name and he thought she said Catnip. They collect the bodies because at one time one of the kids resorted to cannibalism...so now they always collect the bodies.