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No toji doesnt really care for megumi he knows the zen in clan are shit ppl so him selling megumi to them had nun to do with him wanting his son to have a better life he doesnt even remember what megumi looks like

Lukastace NovaSword

Toji was most definitely not out here earning money for Megumi's sake 😭 Megumi was his kid to begin with, he never needed to buy him back lmao

Sour Taste

I don't know everyone is agreeing with me on yt and I asked some of my other bois who pay more attention to jjk than me and even they said I was right that Toji did sell his son to zenin clan because he knew that megumi had more curse energy and that it would be better for him but in the final moments he changed his mind. Overall he did what he did for what he thought was good for his son.


true if he wanted him back he couldve just taken him back they arent stronger then toji 🤣


Cuz ur right. Zenins are bunch of trash but even then Toji isn't much better, no money, no place to stay, hes was an assasin basically so he decided to sell Megumi so he can have better life than him.