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Jihun Bahk

FYI, the death of Kim il sung really happened in 1994(heart attack thing) .What Mr min is mad about is that he sent Moon san to assasinate Kim il sung, but he wasn’t killed and dead by illness

Sour Taste

oh! I thought moon did kill him by mixing something into his food or some to make it look like a heart attack.


you guys were right with the whole reason they did the whole kim dooshik x mihyun thing is because kim dooshik has no family/friends/etc. no one he really cares for enough to come back after a mission. they mentioned he has no “ties” here BUT if he falls for mihyun then he has a reason to come back after his missions and they were ultimately correct. he came back. same thing with the director threatening mihyun with her dad being sick. that’s something he has on her. he had nothing on dooshik & now he does. he’s also one of their best agents so they can’t risk losing him

gheg kelly

8 and 9 had me in a chokehold for too long I’m so glad you guys caught onto Yonguns plan