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Fairy Tail 232

Watch "Fairy Tail 232" on Streamable.



Fyi, it is intended to be pronounced as "E.N.D" and not "end".

Mata Zombis

Can't wait for the next 3 episodes, real shit's starting


To commentate a little on "Absolute Zero" quick science lesson. Water freezes to Ice at 0 degrees celcius. Absolute Zero refers to the point in which the individual atoms stop moving, 0 Kelvin, -273.15 degrees celcius, or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. Nothing to do with the actual episode, just answering Neel's question on if ice goes into negative temperature


The moment when Atlas Flame tell Natsu about E.N.D and the moment that Silver is showing up for the first time will always give me the chills


are you guys planning on watching the fairy tail movies?


Different slayer types can't exist in the same body as seen on Tenrou Island Natsu vs Zancrow


There’s 3 here, one I just now realized while watching the episode, its very clever. 65


They said before that they'll watch everything fairy tail related, as in OVAs and movies


Man, Silver is just a fantastic character and more importantly that theme music XD You know a character is badass when they have a specific theme song that plays every time they're on screen

Lay Park

Just a science fact to answer your question, yes the temperature can go into the negative but absolute zero (-273.15 C) is the lowest the temp can drop and everything stops moving down to the atoms


The next arc is the actual best Fairytail arc, the only arc where it really felt like the Writers knew exactly what they wanted to do with the story. The Tenrou and GMG arcs were good don't get me wrong, but they didn't have anywhere near the same amount of stakes and emotions of this one. It's by far the actual peak of the entire series

Randall Woods Jr

I think the translation is off but it’s called Demon Slaying magic to slay demon not Devil slaying magic.


this makes me giggle so hard, the final discussion had me screeching lmfao (I’ve watched the whole series)