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Fairy Tail 198

Watch "Fairy Tail 198" on Streamable.



Any Plans to watch the Fairy Tail Movies?


To clarify Erza's magic, she uses magic to store her weapons and armor, the weapons are physical so technically if Erza had enough strength she could have destroyed the portal.

Lukastace NovaSword

the ending of this episode always gets me, the golden fields scene is so emotional... we know Future Lucy and every Fairy Tail member from her timeline is basically dead and that scene tells us Lucy is adventuring in the afterlife with everyone she loves


Natsu can destroy anything lol, it's his specialty. I recommend watching the individual filler episodes coming up, but if you decide to watch the next filler arc I won't complain, I'll just be dying to get to the next arc lol

Karácsony Csilla

Please wach the individual filler episodes. The arc is awfull, but the other episodes are amazing. They are funny, cute, and a lot of ship moments hapening in them.

Karácsony Csilla

And no so stupid fillers like Giggle butt gang


the scene at the end of this episode always gets me, always.


About the fillers upcoming, you should skip eps 205-218 (the filler arc), but the individual filler eps are amazing I like them so much. And from Ep 227 we will be back to the canon plot (and eps 199-200 are still canon plot as well, and also part of ep 201 is canon)


and the next canon arc is my favorite arc of FT, he will be a huge rollercoaster


Yeah, but not worth the whole arc, for me at least lol.


Watch episodes 201-203, then skip episodes 204-218, but watch episodes 219-226


204 is an individual filler ep and I think they will like him


Just skip the fillers...


You should watch the single fillers. They are fun and enjoyable as always. Just skip the big filler arc, which starts at 205-218. Continue watching at 219 again.


I agree. 204 is still individual filler. The skipable fille arc starts at 205.


Idk if you guys noticed it but if you look closely when It shows the future where natsu is fighting the dragons. Lucy is missing her arm and that’s why she doesn’t have her guild mark. They tried to hide it in the anime but in the manga I think it’s pretty graphic if I remember right

Osaid Khan

I know people said this already but just to make it even more noticeable. Skip the next filler ARC. Watch the individual filler episodes but the arc gotta get skipped. It’s not completely trash but ain’t no one tryna watch reactions to it 😂


Guys if yall don't react to the filler ARC atleast look up a quick summary of it because the arc right after it will reference a specific moment in the filler arc.