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Fairy Tail 184

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OMG, we are finally got to my fav fight of the GMG!


Minervas entrance to the fight is still so badass, no matter how many times I see it! Can't wait for more, we're closing in on the finale of the gmg, but there's plenty of arc left to go! As others have said, the next arc is technically filler and honestly totally worth skipping. I gave it a re watch (or tried) recently and it's just meh in all honesty. I don't think anyone would be upset if you jump straight to the Tartaros arc!


Watch the semi-filler. Suffer like the rest of us xD If anything, the arc is fun. It doesn't make sense at times, but it's fun with fun moments. (In my opinion, it's less about plot, and more about characters, and character situations) (PLUS Y'ALL SAID YOU WOULDN'T SKIP FILLER, DON'T THINK I FORGOT BOYOS)


Skip the filler arc, but watch the single episodes, they are amazing. you should skip episodes 202-218, but watch episodes 219-226. Those 8 episodes are the best

Karácsony Csilla

I think the filler arc is from episode 205-219. Before it is 3 filler episode. 202 is one of my favorite filler episodes (with Frosh) and 204 is mentioned in the Tartaros arc, so I’ts important to watch it. 203 is an Erza central episode, so I don’t think they want to skip it.


You should definitely watch the Single Episode fillers or short Fillers. They are always worth the watch. The upcoming longer Filler Arc is skibable imo. The Filler Arc starts at 205-218. These one can be skipped.

Karácsony Csilla

I think a survay can be a good option abaut this filler too. 1. Watch all the filler 2. Skip the filler arc ( 205-218) 3. Skip all filler (202-226) I think most of the people hate the arc, but the single episodes are an another question. I especially love them. I like the daily life episodes in FT


Filler arc is shitty imo ep 204-218, since starry heaven's arc was painful for ya'll there's no reason to sit through this one but the individual filler eps before and after the arc are amazing and lot's of ship moments since ya'll like those


I hated the filler arc, but the villege arc was kinda cute, and it has some important stuff as well


Oh yeah village arc is completely canon and absolutely can’t be skipped over its directly important to the plot + hella cute 😮‍💨


I would say you can skip the longer filler arc from 205-218, I remember this one and it was totally painfull to watch for me, minus some episodes that were okay


I would be upset. I love the next arc and I want their reaction