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Fairy Tail 123

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Since y'all are giving the filler a try, I got to say something.... The first couple of episodes of filler are not part of the main filler arc that's about to start. But that's not what I wanted to warn y'all about. What I wanted to warn y'all about is episode 126. THAT is the one episode that most people who watched fairy tail just want to completely wipe off their memory. It has humor but it's very specific humor that a majority of people find weird. I personally feel neutral about that episode but I have a feeling that if you do watch it you'll likely be like "wtf" 💀. Not saying to skip it but do be ready for it and expect for things to get weird.


Yeah, and that episode is completely a nightmare for me


Yeah but it was a reference to Rave Masters. Speaking of which are you guys going to react to the OVAs?


Thank you guys! Just watch the whole show please :) this show does not really have fillers... not any true fillers anyway except for a few select episodes


I'm just sitting here in shock that Neel doesn't know what a seagull is or looks like! So crazy to me lol but then again I was born in an island


Im glad you are at least giving the arc a try. I can’t wait to see you guys react to episode 126. It is probably one of the funniest episodes in the entire series.


This was a great reaction. Thanks for giving the new arc a try


Yes, I am aware that it is a reference to rave master just like Plue is but that doesn't mean it's not weird. I have read and watched all of hiro mashima's works but the BJG is still one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in fairy tail and in any anime lol


Being fully honest, the next arc is my least favorite arc in Fairy Tail. It is pretty slow but it does have its moments. I think others, myself included, or pretty eager to rush through the next arc because the one after it is probably one of the top arcs in the whole show so there is that at least to look forward to.


The OST when Mavis leads them to find everyone on Tenrou is one o f my favorite!


Fairy Law, Fairy Glitter, and Fairy Sphere is the 3 great spells of fairytail these spells are personally created by the founding guild master Mavis

Lukastace NovaSword

yooo i appreciate you both for giving the filler arc a try- also lmao idk why neel thought this episode would be when that arc started, we just jump from a 7 year time skip everyone being dead type beat cliffhanger to a filler arc? although it isnt really a filler that's an argument for another day but either way, YOU GUYS FINALLY MET MAVISSSS- she's one of my favourite characters in the show, and now that she mentioned fairy sphere you know all the 3 grand fairy magics; fairy law, fairy glitter, and fairy sphere (all in order of appearance), and mavis founding the guild means she created those 3 spells, imagine how insanely powerful she'd have to be for that

Simone J.

Of course people who have seen it before would want to skip to their favorite arcs, I do this too, but I think it's awesome of you guys to give the arc a chance and at least see for yourselves if you like it:)

Ollie S.

Eh, the next filler arc after it is far worse in my opinion. At least this coming one gives some character development and is referenced in the future, the later filler is just a complete throw-away.

Ollie S.

Hearing him say "Like a sea-eagle? A seagle?" took me out lmfao

Ollie S.

There *is* a reason -or at least a very solid theory since its never confirmed- why Mavis showed up only then (like its super lucky but not a 100% ex-machina), but to explain it would be the mother of all spoilers.


I've arrived from YouTube, couldn't wait for this episode xD