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Fate UBW 24

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The show doesn't really mention it too much, but I'm pretty sure that Archer faked his death by vanishing right as Gilgamesh's weapons exploded on him. Because every time we have seen Archer dematerialize earlier in the show, there's always some blue particles that appear, so he probably used that to trick everyone that he himself "dematerialized and died". And of course, Rin had no idea that he still was alive because they no longer had their master-servant pact connection.

Idris Naama

Just an FYI when Shirou's reality marble was still active he could of lost still because if Gilgamesh didn't hesitate to take out EA (His broken ass sword) he would of won. Gilgamesh only takes out EA for those he deems as worthy and due to his own arrogance he could not believe that he was pushed to the point of having to use EA against a mere human which is why he hesitated to take it out right away cuz everything happened in a split second within those moments which lead to him losing an arm and taking damage.

Idris Naama

Just like others said and the conclusion you guys came to, Archer either basically faked his death or what I like to believe and what seems more likely is that Archer did actually die but since he's a special type of heroic spirit AKA a "Guardian" who's purpose is to prevent humanity from destroying itself (basically just like how Gilgamesh was trying to use the Grail to wipe out most of humanity) Archer would've been summoned as a Guardian to this era to prevent that which he did.


This is personally what I thought, it makes more sense than faking his death as he is a guardian so I assumed he just got resummoned to protect humanity


I also just assumed he was resummoned as a guardian.


"Don't fear man who has practised ten thousand things once, fear man who has practised one thing ten thousand times"