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Most recent posts I’ve seen were yesterday for Fate/Stay Night and Cyberpunk


Yes I just don't respond cus im really only here for Fairy Tail and started watching the Aracane series


Yes, I've just been too busy to try and watch anything other than Fairy Tail with you guys atm... but I do get the notifications!

Idris Naama

Yeah, you've been doing a lot of Fate Series reactions and I can't keep up 😂 I'm not complaining though I'm glad I have a lot content to watch from you guys!

Lukastace NovaSword

Im mainly there for the Fairy Tail posts so not usually caught up with Fate UBW

Hassan Jameel

Yup. Were there issues in some posts? Not showing up and such?


I've been having hella issues. When i click on the videos it says connection was reset and it sometimes works after reloading 800 times but sometimes it just doesn't work. Not sure if its an issue on my end tho