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Cote s2 8

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dani oz

Aside from if she turned right ir wrong, its kind of understandable that she broke at that point. Imagine you have two good friends that are not necessarily friends with eachother. You find out that one is doing the other wrong in some way. You dont say anything because it would betray the trust of one person, but at the same time it eats away at you cuz you are keeping harmful secrets to the other one. And in this case, Kushida knew the secrets and betrayals of however many people are in a class and had to keep all to herself. All that at however old you are in middle school, it just fucks with your brain till you cant


Ayanokouji is going to be in a relationship with one of the girls in this season or even three (I know with whom he will be) BUT in the future it's not set or neither confirmed who will it be in the future, so it can be also Horikita or other new characters that we didn't saw yet. So I've hopes that Horikita and Ayanokouji will be together, they were my first ship in season 1, but then as I found out with whom he will be together, I never shipped them again, because it's been clear with whom he will be, but it is said that there will be a break up or something? Idk. Nothing is confirmed who will be his final girl

Lava Blaster

Were the new ep at