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Fairy Tail Ep 25

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I absolutely love Juvia. She's definitely one of my fav characters!

The truck

fun fact, I don't really remember what they're called. But those white dolls that Juvia makes, in Japan people, make them and hang them up when it's raining to wish for a sunny day soon. So that's kind of the meaning behind the dolls


Do any of you remember at the end of ep 4 when those guys attacked and took Happy to eat him? One of them that went against Gray was a fortuneteller and he told him: You'll have problems with water and women in the future. lmao


I would say the endings do kinda give spoilers in terms of like character backgrounds and a bit of the plot, perhaps you could react to them after each arc ends. On top of the main story, Fairy Tail also have OVAs with unique openings and endings, and I mostly love them cause some of them are sung by the voice actors/actresses of the main squad. Though again, spoilers, so could be a future interest.


Someone already said it but there was a foreshadow to Juvia in ep 5. When that fortune teller spoke to Gray. I might for fun keep count on the foreshadowing😅 Current foreshadows: 2


Juvia’s so cute🥰 I love her character!


Wait what was the second one? The one in episode 5, I knew about, but what else?


Is the second foreshadowing of the character who starts with Z?


@Elise, yup you got it There’s also one in ep 8, but its the same thing so I’ll count them as one😅


I believe they're called teru teru bozu! Also, a lil fun fact to add on, hanging them upside down is a wish for rain instead


LOVING the reactions

Lukastace NovaSword

"You'll get an unexpected visitor. The stars point to trouble with water and woman" the foreshadowing in episode 4 was craaaazy


Juvia is very interesting character