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Vacation time is over, so it's back to work as usual! V13's cycle has officially begun as of now. The first thing we've started preparing is the story structure txt file. Which of course, is confidential, however, all it entails is taking V13's story summary from my main txt file and do some clean up/editing.

Basically I want to make sure I have everything I want here before I get to work. That way I don't forget anything. That'll take a couple days, but it's a necessary part of the job!

Secondly, we've begun work on the Records Tab.

What is the Records Tab?

Basically, it's one huge conglomerate of info that builds as you play the game. A journal of sorts, but it has much more than just your progress. It has character information, friendship values, Quest info, and more, possibly! 

Here are some example mock images.*

*Note, Ren's name is not actually Renald, it just sounded funny at the time.

For the Episode recap, we're using this old quest system script we found on Pokecommunity, and it's... really rough, so there's a lot of work to do in terms of visuals. If you wanna see what I mean, take a look at this: 

Yeah, it's all over the place, but when it's done it should be all neat and tidy. Promise!

But that's all I want to show for now! More spicy things to come soon enough.

Thank you all for supporting me! I hope you all have a wonderful week <3.


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