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So, there's not much that's happened in the past week, so... I might not have too much to talk about. However, as V11 finally comes to a close I can finally work on v12- I-I mean, take a break!! Yes, that's what humans do, right? They break things? Cool! Because that's what I'm doing right now.

I'm not doing anything crazy and I mean it when I say that I'm doing remodeling past major areas (though the Odd Tower is on my radar atm). That being said, I can still do some cleanup. Grand Dream City is getting that cleanup. 

This is how it looks right now:

And this is how it looks currently:

As you can see, it just looks like I've gotten rid of a ton of buildings and flora around the map. That's because a lot of the trees current graphics don't match up with upgraded tiles introduced in V11. As for the buildings-- They're very nice and my friend did a wonderful job making them look pretty, but they don't tile. At all. If you don't know what I mean by that, it means that I can't repeat tiles to make the building look longer or shorter. The graphic I see on my tileset is what gets put on the map. If I try to tile it at all, the graphic starts to tear and cut itself off, which looks pretty bad. It's unfortunate, but it'll be better this way I hope. Lot of work ahead of me, as usual lol. 

But wait, there's more! My friend Amy Theist, also known as Amethyst is streaming Rejuv this week (with Cass)! You can find the schedule here:

I'll try my best to make it to some of these. I'll even make a post whenever I will be attending said stream. 

Thank you guys for supporting me once again, and I hope you all have a wonderful week. 💗



First the people of GDC are going missing, now the buildings and the plants?!? There's some kind of conspiracy 🤔🤔🤔