Still alive (Patreon)
Back again after this 'unexpected' incident.
Some patrons have left the sinking ship but the more I appreciate the people who decided to stay and continue the support regardless of the new rules, so thank you very much for that, you are just awesome.
As the updated Patreon guidelines do not tolerate any kind of bestiality and some other things I don't do anyway I had to remove all those posts, which hurt pretty much because I will miss your comments, and I'm not able to post anything related to these themes here anymore.
Not only that though I was also asked to remove more and more posts that didn't even include animals at all (bestiality = sexual intercourse between a person and an animal) but who hasn't seen a Tauren, Worgen, Werewolf, Lizardman and what not yet?
Such nice animals for sure aren't they? Also monsters suddenly mean bestiality but only for my page. I didn't want to make someone angry so I also removed female monsters / aliens like Draenei, Asari, Kerrigan... equal rights, why would be only male ones bad?
After 7 days of trying to get my page back with 24h or more of waiting for a reply each time and by removing more and more stuff that actually has NOTHING to do with bestiality or rape I was frustraded enough to take the steps above so my page would be finally clear enough.
Anyway... I'm glad I'm still here and can make animations for your pleasure, as always.
Also don't forget to use the free sync keys for my works, while Patreon is down (e.g. maintenance) or the page is not accessible for any other reasons, you always have access to all my work this way too.
And please, feel free to share whatever you like wherever you want.