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Alright here's the *Mostly* hahaha Finished Mechanics update for panty thief! It still needs a bunch of polish for the jobs and mini stories for each but yeah it all works for the most part! A reminder that most of these early updates are primary me implementing mechanics that I want in the game and making sure they work. The story will becoming in future updates. My first priority is fixing the "Known Bugs" Section. I will then move on to "Coming Soon Tm" Section. After that is completed I will be making a roadmap for the next major update "The Encounter System"

Known Bugs currently in this new update.

  • In what is becoming a meme Rachel's dialogue is again broken. I have to completely redo her dialogue to properly implement it properly. (And probably every bodies dialogue in the process)
  • Equipping anything other than pink panties or nothing may cause problems with story and scenes.
  • There is no current way to get a male outfit for the tavern job.
  • There is no heels skill.
  • The old encounter system is turned off. Its Broken (Will be fixed and changed in the next major update)

Skills, Levels, and Passives:

  • Added 3 Categories of skills: Combat, Thief, and Corrupted to the character menu. (Click the arrows to tab between)
  • Add Skills for each that have 7 levels of growth.
  • Added passive trees for the Combat and Thief based skills.
  • Added functionality to the Thief based passives.


  • Added functionality to relationship changes based on dialogue.
  • Added Freya to the relationships in the journal. (Click the arrows to tab between)

Status System

  • Added 4 Main values for the character that change based on things you do in the world: , Health, Energy, Mental Stress, and Arousal.
  • Added functionality to these status: Movement between areas costs 5 energy, Talking to certain NPCS can cause stress or arousal.
  • Added 2 new types of events for when these statuses reach zero.


  • Added player transformation when values reach 0
  • Added a rune shop that allows the player to change the colors on their body like hair, eyes, skin.


  • Added the basic functionality for the thief contracts at the guild. I also changed them around to better fit the Skills system.
  • Added a new job at the pub with a bit of lewd story!


  • General UI improvements and made it more consistent throughout.

Bug Fixes and Optimization

  • General Bug fixes for a lot of things like miss-spellings and things not working right.
  • A lot of back end fixing for things I made when I had no idea what I was doing (I still have no idea what I'm doing)

Coming Soon Tm

  • Small fluff Stories for each grade on jobs with lewd mishaps!
  • Iron out what I want from the corruption skills (They are half combat half story so its hard to implement in this update I will see what I can do.)
  • A gift shop
  • A new character interaction menu where you can choose from the options: Talk, Gift, Action, or Outfit
  • More options in the clothing and rune shop as well as a better system for you know detecting what the player is wearing...
  • Find a way to better distinguish movement from actions in the button section. (Not Sure)
  • Maybe a drawing for Rachel in the bedroom if I have time.



How are you supposed to get past one of the "Wait for Elijah" quest? It seems bugged as every time I return back to the guild at night his option is grayed out and it says that I've already talked to him.


It's not yet implemented. Sorry should have made that clear. That's how the next act progresses it opens the noble district up.