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Some good news and bad news!

Good News: College is significantly cheaper for me in the coming semesters! So much so that I don't have to save up large sums of money! Yayayayay! Less stress more free time!!!

Bad News: On the other hand I just bricked my phone... which had a significant amount of planning, combat formulas, ideas, skill trees, stories and basically most of my game design planning... All might not be lost it might have saved to the cloud, but honestly I have little hope as I never changed any default settings in the notes app.

All in all it shouldn't be to hard to re-write what I had as I hadn't really gone past the next update too much but still its a feels bad moment as I had much of my creative life in there from story manuscripts to GGDs. Hopefully it backed up I'll update everyone tomorrow!

I plan not to make this mistake in the future by you know backing stuff up to google drive and stuff, a though I had a few days ago but went "Ah whats the likely hood of it breaking...."


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