Thank you all so much! (Patreon)
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to take a moment to express how much I appreciate the spike in support I've received recently. Your combined backing has profoundly impacted my everyday life, and I can't thank every one of you enough for that.
With your support, I've achieved something that's never really been possible, saving for an entire year of college before the beginning of the first semester. Saving this money is a massive accomplishment, as my current college is expensive and alleviates a lot of stressful shifts at a not-so-great job. Moreover, I now have the time to indulge in my fascinations, such as creating roulettes and game designs, which brings me so much passion.
I also want to warmly welcome the new faces that have just joined the community in the last month. I'm thrilled to have you on this voyage with me.
In the coming year, I plan to explore more exciting projects and finish a couple I started this year. I hope to breathe new life into my roulettes and create games, both roulettes and otherwise, that people can enjoy in their everyday lives. Ones that make people feel better about themselves and help them reach what they genuinely want to be!
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my Patreon family. Your support means the world to me, and I'm enthusiastic to continue sharing my passion with all of you.