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Hey I wanted to start by thanking everyone for giving me their support! Really I never thought over 50 people would be interested in supporting my content and I really appreciate each and every one of you! I'm currently working on the makeup roulette for the Lexicon which wont be out till march! So I'm a bit ahead. Winter break gave me a chance to really make a lot of progress!

Anyway onto what this post is about. I've been toying with the idea, well two ideas really. I'm really into games and although Roulette are fun they are rather limited in what I can do. They will eventually become repetitive for not only you guys, but for myself as well. So that being said I want to start a few projects. The first would be me making the Lexicon a completely digital game where the player can download it. The roulette will always stay up as it will be what started it all, but I can't help but think it would be in a better form as a software or game.

The second project would be done after I complete the lexicon and it would be a game similar to the story based games I've done on roulette's in the past. Think Trials in tainted space, Trap Quest, or BMO TV. Its always been a pipe dream for me, but I really want to do it. Obviously my schedule is already tight as hell, and in all honesty these might take years if not more, but I want to at least try.

These will not affect my regular content and my regular content will ALWAYS take priority. The year's plans will not be affected. I just thought I'd share my thoughts and get your guys thoughts as well.

Thanks for listening to my rambling and feel free to let me know what you guys think below!


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