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Rock Everhard, the big, hulky blacksmith asks Brett, his young worker, why he's not working. 

Soon he finds out it's because of the guy's "club of fans" at the entrance of the blacksmith forge.

Unimpressed, the big brute man tells the happy group that unless they want to help with his sweaty tool, they better go away.


"I don't pay you to fool around! And you know I like to work NAKED! Any other questions?"

Brett smiles and mumbled: "At least I'm young and still can fuck around, unlike others..."

Mr. Everhard became furious. And showed Brett why he was true to his name.

"Really? Is that so? Wanna know who really is Mr. Rock Everhard??"

"OK, OK! I got the picture! You don't need to show up!

"Wait! There's much more!

"Not only I am your boss and always rock hard! You don't even need a club of silly girls to fuck around!"

"Really?? OH, WOW!! So you'd really let me...?"

"Shut the fuck up and show me what you got!! We still have a couple of windows to do this morning!"

"I still can't believ..."


"Rock muscled asshole masterfully massaged Brett's dick and in just a couple thrusts, a warm flood of cum filled the big man's ass".

And he returned the favor at once.

"After all, I think maybe I AM paying you to fuck around here, Brett!"

THE END (or just the beginning of a new era at the blacksmith forge...)




Man. This was always on of my favorites. Love it when the younger guy fucks the daddy stud.


Thanks! There will be much more for the New Stuff tier. This comic was intended for that originally.


I’m working from the old post to the newest!