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I also did this Redraw of a portrait I made last year. It's not that I did not like it, it was a practice of color and light after all :) However, it did not look anything like Pluto.

To put you a little in context, some characters from the universe of my story have certain genetic modifications. Here is an extract of Pluto's biology:

"... Like all modified beings, he has special qualities. His body has a very high temperature compared to the average human being; this represents a great weakness in arid environments, where its body heat can greatly increase, making his blood not circulate correctly and causing him to lose consciousness quickly. On the other hand, in a cold environment, Pluto demonstrates a better physical performance than any other person ... "

Hence he is sweating so much Hehehe

This year I have the goal of dedicating myself better to my characters so I will soon be updating you with more information 🫡




And I forgot to ask, but does his name + power have anything to do with Roman mythology ? Or Planetology ?Thus it could explain why he rather live in a cold environment ?

Andrea Hernandez

Actually yes! I started working on this story when I was 12 years old and I was fascinated by both of those things back then 🤣 Some facts about my characters have changed through time but I still keep some of the stuff I came up with as a kid 🥰 However, the influence of both mythology and planetology is just an inspiration source. It actually has almost nothing to do with the story itself~


Yes !! It's always wonderful to keep working with ideas and characters we created as kids. Wish you the best for your story 🤗