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I wanted to thank you for this incredible year and wish you many good things for next year.

This year has been full of good things, some bad personal ones, but in general, I have always felt supported by you and that is very important to me.

You have always been understanding, as when I suffered my hand injury, also when I showed experiments and new styles. I have always felt that you have given me freedom and you have been honest with me in your advice.

I know that I am a somewhat complicated artist, I like trying new things, mixing concepts and it doesn't always work out haha

I consider myself a person who is constantly looking for the correct way to execute what I think, maybe one day I will have a unique style, for now, it seems impossible, each style transmits different things to me and I like it, maybe it is because of my love for creating, I don't know. But I want to thank you deeply for your tolerance, I know that it would be much easier for you to always receive beautiful drawings in a constant style, as 99% of the good artists I know do.

I hope to evolve into something better next year and that you continue with me, with or without monetary support, for me the support in networks is also very important, the likes and RT help me a lot and I appreciate it.

The point is I feel lucky to have you with me in so many ways and I wish you all the best for the year ahead. For my part, I will always try to offer good content and I will stay as always.

 Thank you, thank you so much :)



What a ride this year has been. Onto 2022!


Looking forward to your works next year, I'll be with you and lets create a wonderful 2022! (v^_^)v


I absolutely love your art!! Happy to support a talented artist such as yourself!


You already have your own recognizable style. From my point of view, you are now working on the finer points of your art. Thank you for sharing your art with us and for allowing us to accompany you. Wishing you all the best.


While it is good to have a unique artstyle, I feel these experiments in techniques and styles have given us a glimpse into the potential you have as an artist. Through different styles you can express different interests, and the discovery of that is a beautiful thing. This year has been the start of a journey and I hope you continue down that path of discovery for the upcoming years and hope to support you as your art develops and improves overtime. Keep up the great work in 2022!

Abel Elizardo

I'm kind of also going to a thing where I flip between a few styles that I have brought up over the years and people keep telling my that I need to just pick one even though I want to do both and so I feel you there