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I've been working and thinking for several days about a redesign of the style I'm using, to give it a more traditional feel, it's something I'm exploring for the Visual Novel too.

As a big Square Enix fan, it's something I've been thinking about for a long time and I think I've found a way to complement it in my work. This should be understood as a complement or evolution of the style, not as a change in it.

It may be absurd to inform you of such a thing, but I like to keep you updated about my thoughts and work progress.

I will have a sample drawing ready and I hope you like it as much as I do.



Sounds interesting for show. Since you see it as a evolution of sorts, what will you do if people feel disconnected from your previous art compared to the new?


I think the feeling will be very similar, but I don't plan on doing all my work the same either, perhaps depending on the personality of each drawing.