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I want to give a special mention to the patrons that have updated their pledge promise to support my VN, it means a lot to me and makes me work more comfortably.

I'm still adjusting to the new situation and my schedules are a bit chaotic, I hope you can understand, still I always try to make my content always better and better.

Exclusive to tier 5$-10$ and 15$:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/night-blossom-40309902

 Exclusive to tier 10$ and 15$: https://www.patreon.com/posts/m-s-k-40888824

VN update is now available for tier 15$: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vn-update-1-40953670

Thank you.




Your dedication and speed is really stunning I must admit. Most artist your caliber post 1-2 pieces per month at most. Keep going. I will upgrade my pledge again most likely. I have but one wish, have your mental health in mind. Dont overwork yourself :)


Thank you very much, my only wish is to prosper and be fair to the people who are supporting me because you are the people who make my way possible and that will always mean a lot to me.

David Boone

And I just updated to VN--I hope you find great joy and satisfaction in this newest endeavor! (It looks gorgeous so far, btw!)


This was always one of my big dreams, to tell stories with my work, thank you for supporting it.


And a lot of people appreciate that. Thank you. I had some weird payment issues but I hope my upgrade to 25$ did go through. You deserve it.


You upgraded it, but it's too much I have no words, thank you.