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(Apologies for the delay. The end of October has been... not my best, to put it lightly. There's far too much to explain, and I don't want to bring down the mood of this place. Even though Halloween has passed - I feel like continuing the spooky theme for just a little longer, if only to make up for the awful past month. Thank you again for your understanding, and support)

Now, onto nicer things, I did make the Vivian card-craft on time for Halloween, but I decided against the backlighting, as there was no real way to see her at night - so I opted for this nice bit of LED rope light that I got for cheap, it glows a lovely pink, lighting her up every night. (I'll see if I can get a picture if it's safe to, but in the meantime, as with Missy (and Lucille, yes I have now named the Pumpkaboo one as well), the next image is the design itself. Of course I had to compromise for the different cardboard colors I had to buy, but I still feel this is good in the end. I'm happy to have made Vivian again at all.

... Who's that in the corner there? I don't remember seeing her before...

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door © Nintendo




Oh hey she's done! And also hey, there's the Mimikyu we talked about in DMs about yay! I was unfortunately unable to increase my spooky collection this year, but I did do a few things to celebrate the spooky month. And yeah, as you know, my October has been rough too. It's a lot, I think a lotta people have had it rough. We'll hang in there together.

Iron Joe

So cuuuuuute! Very well done, my man.