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[2/11: Now available for viewing by all Reward Tiers]

(And here I thought I wasn't going to make it! Thank goodness for last-minute inspirations! You've actually seen my redesign of her during my currently ongoing Sketch Drive, now I am proud to bring the Gourgeist Mistress to life again!)

Meet Missy, the lady of the house, as it were, of the Missy Manor. An awfully playful and free spirit, in spite of her (unstated) considerable age. Much like many Gourgeist now, she loves Halloween, though not just for trick-or-treating, as Missy enjoys eating food, (especially sweets), sex, singing, sex, playing games, and sex. She's certainly had a few partners (Rosie the Gardevoir being her wife), and a few children as well (with one heir to the Manor being Lucille).

That said, Missy's long age has also seen her fair share of goodbyes, as part of her celebration of Halloween continues afterwards, visiting places and descendants, to remember those long gone... (and the party continues on November 2nd! But that's another time). It is for that reason she carries a gnarled staff with a lantern, as for one day it lights up with a ghostly flame, a spirit belonging to someone very special to her.

The Missy Manor once belonged to her beloved human companion, a brilliant inventor who lived in the (equivalent of the) industrial revolution in Kalos's history, creating all sorts of gadgetry which extended to the house itself, as it contains all sorts of secrets and pathways for guests to explore. She likes to make a game of it, turning the Manor into a maze with a prize at the end. (Sometimes Missy herself is the prize, if she's feeling naughty.)

Halloween's coming up soon! And Missy wants to make a new game this year...

Missy, Pokémon-Amour © MFS

Pokémon © The Pokemon Company




i think she likes sex


They can sex as many times as mentioned above and perhaps more.


My, I see that Missy is a certified milf at this day and age and has the stance and body to show for it. (Or gilf as I can see herself as a more older, mature loveable grandma tier.) One of my top favorite ghost type pokemon and would love to worship her pumpkin spice feet every day on October. ^^


Great new design. You made an already adorable character more stunning and beautiful than ever, with some Dommy Vampire Mommy charm added to it. Looks like someone put some "Ara Ara" in my pumpkin.🥴