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I am well aware I did not get anything done for August. Unfortunately, due to a recent family event, I have been scrambling to make ends meet - I have, and still am , been on Emergency Commission mode for a few weeks. While I have been able to just barely make things work, there is still more to do. 

Yes, I have been aware of the contacts I have been getting lately, and have been grateful for - yet I still hesitate to respond, mainly out of fear of again failing them, or burned out from trying to keep a positive attitude even as plans - and my will collapses.

I am unsure of how to manage this while making more Patreon things, let alone put something to keep your support going. I originally planned on at least one drawing, but just was not feeling creative at all lately. Had work and trying to keep from being kicked out of the rented home constantly on my mind.

I apologise. No promises either, as I seem to fail them more lately. Whether you stay or go is up to you, of course.

Take care of yourselves.



Iron Joe

I ain’t goin’ nowhere.


No worries, I'm not going anywhere.