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Ah I finally got something in for the "actor" character I introduced a while ago. (I've been really slow in thinking of these things, I know), even getting in a name and where she's from - in addition to someone else I may have shown before. Let's begin!

Angelica Cabrera (the taller character) is a relatively experienced actor already handling multiple roles in a few productions for MFS Studios. A second-generation Filipino immigrant, she often balks, but also ultimately goes along with the (many, many) traditions of her family, as well as known for working a little too much to earn for her relatives back home.

And next, the cute girl next to Angelica...

Sana Kariki is the newest talent in MFS Studios: a young prodigy from New Zealand - not only is she practicing her acting, but is also studying in law and social justice. She's often found studying in between shoots, and, while unsure of herself in various ways, Sana is chipper, and often eager to please.

Characters © MFS




We have midnight masses ourselves here. I usually don't go, but they exist. Midnight is still - a lot earlier in the night than 3AM though. That's a lot to deal with.


I recall actually attending one at 4am (and actually today's one was 5am), but wanted to exaggerate Angelica's comments here. I also have one more thing; this also takes place daily for 9 days (I only need to attend this one, thank goodness). Thanks for the comment, Steve!


Oh right, I remember you saying something about 9 day prayers having significance in your culture.


Oh Sana…dang she’s cute. Oh right, uh, nice work here. I’m glad to see the actor here named and official finally. Though a Dawn mass? Sounds…brutal, especially that early.


Huh, is that a Catholic thing or some other cultural thing that I know nothing about?


Midnight mass? It may be a Catholic thing? FTR, I also live in New York, lotsa Italian communities there, so that may also be it. FTR, if it's Mostly's 9 day prayer service things, we don't do those here (and most of us in NY are Catholic). So it's likely a Filipino thing, although - I dunno what sect of Christianity that would be.