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i still can't make it. i can't keep pretending i'm ok.



whats wrong my guy

technodude "Archer" 458

dude whatever is wrong please talk to us if you feel up to it we’re not just your patrons we care about you as a person (or at least i do) so it hurts to see you suffering


If there's anything you want to get off your chest, or if you need to take a much needed break, don't hesitate to do so your personal health comes first.


If you need to talk just know we are here to listen


Whatever you're going through, you can talk to any one of us. Do what you gotta do for yourself, you absolutely deserve to.

Iron Joe

god. I wish I could help.

G5000 Gunshot

Then it's time to stop acting like you can and finally reach out to one of us?


We're here for you


yeah, i know...


I don’t think you have ever clarified what is going on mentally with you.