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I usually post a DL VER of the previous month's posts. But, regrettably due to some financial issues at home (namely, trying to catch up with rent), I've been focused, rather forcefully, on trying to get some commission work done, via the Emergency Commission processes.

I apologise for the lack of updates as of mid-August. Usually I get at least two things done, but also for not being able to tell you in advance. I felt... I wanted to get at least a couple more things done, in order to tie in August's theme together a little more.

The first one was a pretty big hint after all, and I wanted to follow through, even through September. Which, yes I know it's kinda special, but I'll have to look through what I can do reasonably, while also looking out for my health lately.

Thank you for your understanding, and for your continued support.




You know, you can always upload those commissions here if you may. We'll be delighted to see what you worked on after all. It's still your art work to show. ^^


I agree 100% with Doritos32. Having a sneak peek/first look of your commission work would be enough to make me happy as a patron. Your art is always enjoyable 😁


I agree with the last two posters. I'd love Sneak Peeks at commissions before they appear on DA and the GEOFF, and it'd be another incentive to pledge!


Like every poster before me, I think that previews are an EXCELLENT idea.


Hmm, interesting thought here. I could try that to fill in just in case my plans fall through. I do have a backlog of things to post after all (and also posted a Patron's Commission here before!). Meanwhile I should clarify that: I'm not likely to get everything on here; I had best ask my customers now and in the future if they are ok with early looks on this site. While I'm confident that regulars (and existing Patrons) would say yes, I just want to be sure. Thanks for the input. Let's see what I can put here...


Ooh, I'm excited to see it! You can post my stuff in the future if I ever get something from you.