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Hello yet again, and welcome to another thing of the Suggestion Box. A place for me to check out, well, your suggestions. For those new here, allow me to relay the previous Suggestion Box's text:

Every now and then I open up this post, so you can leave comments making, well, suggestions. You can suggest themes for Polls, characters for Polls, character suggestions, or things I could do or add to the MFS Patreon, and other things I can't really think of.
As such, do note that while yes, this is a small place, I would ask to keep this polite. I will not accept suggestions spammed in the comments, and things like character suggestions are still subjected to my complexity pet-peeves, so do bear that in mind.

It's been a few months since the last one, so I wanted to hear what you have in mind this time. Bear in mind it's not always guaranteed, as it's more giving an idea of what I can do going forward. Looking forward to hearing from you!




Ooh, I have plenty of ideas! Recently, I got into this game online, called "Strip Poker Night at the Inventory." It's pretty self-explanatory: you play Strip Poker in this bar called "The Inventory" until you run-out of clothes, then you jack it. It's open-source, and people create Kisekae models of their favorite characters to play against as opponents! I remember seeing some of your original stuff, like SEXY FEET, the Loft, even Luss T., and I think maybe a crossover between them and "the Inventory" would be pretty neat! Maybe Jasmine Farah and/or Luss T. playing Strip Poker with some familiar faces? Getting or giving a footjob? The other characters could make for a neat MFS Poll or something! Like another of those "Luss T. Spotlights" I saw. Or, you could do something with that 'Smash Settled' series! Like the Fighter Ballot to decide newcomers for the game, people would vote for their favorites to get in a poll, and 1st and 2nd Place with the most votes receives an invitation to join! In the fashion of those Smash Settled pictures, they worship each others' feet. On the topic of character suggestions...well, if you've read my commission ideas, you'd know I've taken a liking to characters from Omori, like the Slime Girls, Sweetheart and Perfectheart. I'd love to see them done in your style. Apart from that, and also speaking of commissions...maybe it's just me, but I will note it is kind of hard to get a commission from you, at least via. DA notes. Not that I mind (if the views your DA posts get is any sign, you get a LOT of notes), but I do wish it was just a bit easier for Patreon contributors to get a commission at all (especially with that sweet sweet discount). Maybe you can open up Patreon Messages for prospective commissioners, or something? Even if it's a benefit only for the $10 tier, I'd definitely pay for it. Last but not least, I love footjob and/or giant pics. Please do more footjob and/or giant pics. Sorry if this is more feedback than you'd like, I like going on-and-on about cool ideas and stuff, but thanks for taking my input nonetheless!


Ok. So since Dnf duel is out, can you do Striker?


Some more Arknights characters? The Maitomaru/ Hosiguma pic was really good imo


Considering how she inspired you once, why not do a full pic of Infinity Kanna from BM2's minigame DLC? Alternatively, since we have all those looks for Mia, why not alternate one so we have a kaiju/monster version, like an opposite of her Hero Alter Ego?

Iron Joe

joe try to suggest something besides witches challenge (instant fail) I’d suggest an indies theme but that’d just be a huge Shantae sweep lol feel like Umineko’s rife with underrated girls


How about some forgotten or otherwise obscure waifus, retro waifus, or some combination of the two?


Hear me out: Shantae has to go fight another 'siren,' but it's actually another indie character!


Obscure Nintendo Waifus/Husbandos would be a good theme for you, imho ! Your art style always suited Nintendo's characters and universes very well. When you draw fan-arts of ARMS, WarioWare, Splatoon, Pokémon, Smash or even Mario, it's always among your most colorful, fun, interesting, cute and/or creative pictures, foot fetish or not. I even remember you made a cool fan-art of Mama from "Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic" and I thought it was a good idea. And that NSFW Vivian + Dark Queen picture is a masterpiece. I also really liked your pictures of Mashiko from Mario Maker, that humanized Skell from Xenoblade X and that random New Donk City NPC from Mario Odyssey. If you have more original ideas like that with fun, surprising and/or underused characters, that would be great. Also, Nintendo games seem to be your comfort games and I want you to have a good time with something you know and love... so that's another reason I suggest this theme. ^^


Wouldn't mind seeing more Corrin or Azura from Fire Emblem Fates from you.

Daniel Lhota

Had a thought for a possible theme, maybe fighting game characters? Something like the Darkstalkers girls like Morrigan or Hsien-ko, or Waku Waku 7, or any of the other SNK fighting games like King of Fighters, etc etc. No matter what you do end up doing, I look forward to it anyway!

El Hoxtinator

Emerald Sustrai from RWBY?