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[28/07: Fixed a minor lighting mistake, and added some extra versions! This time with some armor pieces for LMS-Caudron's chest and belly. Just in case...]

[20/07: Now available for viewing by all Reward Tiers!]

"A drawing exercise that's actually a remake of one from two years ago". 

A very specific brief, I know.

Why yes, this is a remake of a Drawing Exercise from July 2020, roughly two years ago! (Here's a link to remind: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mfs-originals-39764020)

Indeed this is meant to be the same character, still with the same goal of giant slightly fetishy female mecha that I intended two years ago, just refining it after learning a little more on how I'd draw my mechanical characters

My original issue was that in the older one, the shapes of the body, and the "parts", like armor and such were a little slightly vague in definition. While also trying to keep to my style of keeping it relatively simple and colorful, I added more definite shape to them!

Another idea was moving away from the "bladed engine wing" aesthetic, at least for this character, because it made her too similar to another character/s I drew a little while back.

And lastly, I made all accessories attachable, as you might notice, there's four different versions of the drawing. The face mask; the massive Titan-Class JetPak on the back; and the Tool Harness on the waist, and can all be detached and folded away if need be.

Yes, tools, not weapons, as the giant LMS Cauldron (Living Mecha System) is built for maintenance of star-sized machinery. Though you could also argue that a ship-sized Plasma Cutter can do some serious damage.

Why the LMS Cauldron has a human face, defined breasts and a belly (and as discovered,  touch sensitive hands and feet!), confounds the managers of the Solar Cage she works in. Not that they'll get any answers anytime soon. 

After all, the original designers have been long extinct.

Character © MFS




Oh, oops, that's erm...my bad on the bladed wings part. Yeah. I know it's Solaria and Serpil you're referring to with that, so I contribute to at least half of that. But it's ok, design still looks kickass. Also I do recall you drawing the old Cauldron in some fetishy things before, so I could see the new one getting into the exact same things, even soonish.