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Something I've been mulling over for this Drawing Exercise - a revamp of the character who's pretty much the face of MFS stuff; Mia.

I mean for someone who's been around as long as her, I suppose she's up for an update. But as a prelude, I tried out a few things with her. Bear in mind these are just concepts, but some will be certainly solidified in the future. 

(Be sure to click the images individually to see my comments!)

Mia © MFS




Nice designs, I especially like the Metro Fantasia design

Iron Joe

Heck yeah, Mia!


LOVE these! Hoping to see more of Mia in her 777 outfit!


Been a really long time since I saw traces of your 777/666 stuff. God does that take me back to your really old stuff… I’m digging Mia’s update. It’s clear she’s come a long way in the story of you as an artist, man.