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Pit: So, got a question... does anyone know where Mimicuties come from?

Viridi: I have a theory, but perhaps I'll let old smarty-pants-Palutena give her view first.

Palutena: I'm afraid you've got me on that too. Sure, they can be summoned, but we're not sure how or where they originated. They just... are. Since the dawn of the concept of valuables, they've just been there.

Viridi: Ha! So there is something she doesn't know! I wager that they're naturally occurring creatures who lived extensively around treasure, and have simply evolved a defense mechanism to protect their bounty.

Pit: That still doesn't explain the... feminine legs. (blush)

Palutena: Indeed, I actually kinda envy them. I wonder what workouts they do to keep up their strength and shape!

Viridi: This calls for an extensive study; Phosphora! Fetch me some Mimicuties!

Kid Icarus Uprising © Nintendo

[EDIT: Now Available for all tiers!]




I don’t believe it, you actually did it. That girl I mentioned earlier that not many knew about that actually shows her feet, and you did her. In a sexy foot tease pic at that. Bravo Mostly, bravo. (Sexy pic btw, love the toes here and the stirrups accurate to her).


Uhhhhh...I actually know exactly where they come from. They are related to the Mimic Chests in Dark Souls, matter of fact. Weird, right? But the mimics in that game are also very difficult (I consider them mini-mini bosses) are relatively agile, creepy, and boy do they like kicking. Insert Kid Icarus is the Dark Souls of joke here, but I have done the research! Remember kids, every game is the Dark Souls of something. Even Bloodborne if you can believe it!


Really cute idea pulled off really well, absolutely love this one. The dialoge is a nice touch too, kinda wondering what Pit's got in mind yano.


Wow, I never expected that thing would get more attention. XD But this is pretty cute as heck though (especially the stirrups, I'm kinda digging into those).

Iron Joe

Dagnabbit Mostly lol


Very cute, even if it is a treasure chest. :3


This is honestly one of my favorites of yours now