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Hello all! Again, my apologies for the big delay - as it was quite big for a reason; this Patrons' Choice I decided to turn into a little project, starting with this! The winner of October's Patrons Choice poll! The mighty, the ferocious, the handsome Queen Bowser!

As the preview earlier had shown, I deliberately strayed away from the original design that has been spreading like wildfire back in September and October. What do you think of it? (Feel free to grab the original image below as well!)

And you lucky wonderful lot get to see her first, before I unleash her to everyone else in about a week. Oh, and by the way... there's more coming very soon... along with a special Behind The Scenes post/s, for anyone who pledged $10 and above.

Thank you so much for your patience, and enjoy!




Inki Crow

She be big! And hot! Literally! >v

Azure Lounge

Wow, she's definitely more than a scorcher if I do say so myself. ~^///^


Is...Is that the Super Crown barely hanging onto her horn? Geez...well that is a thing. Anyways, this series of pics came out excellently.


HOLY FREAKING GOD!! This is so very awesome and freakin cool.