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This month's poll is something a little different. Since the opening of the MFS Patreon in... Wow, October 2017, eh? Nearly a year since this undertaking of which I frequently hesitated...

That said, let me get onto the point. Up to now, as you've noticed, every single artwork here has always been Fan-Art, based on existing IPs, stuff I like and stuff I want to try.

However, now that this Patreon's now settled in, I have been considering other options, and that brings me to this month's Poll:

Would you like to see posts based on MFS Arts Original Properties?

Simple enough; if you would like to see me post things based on my own creations. For simplicity, they'll also be subject to the same rules with the tiered works. Though, most of the time, they are (if approved) most likely to be WIPs or behind the scenes guff.

A few of them include:

  • SEXY FEET, the foot modelling business run by the Top Model, Jasmine, and the CEO, Ms. Hestif, along with a myriad of guests and fellow workers. SEXY FEET has also been known to have guests from IPs, so there's that
  • Tales from The Home Dimension, based in... well The Home Dimension, a hub realm that is home to The Fetish Spirits, interdimensional beings who harvest energy by fulfilling beliefs and... most obviously, fetishes!
  • And various miscellaneous ones based on my characters. Heck, you're already seeing one right now in my icon: That there is Mia, an island cutie who is more or less the mascot of MFS Arts.

Well, I've pitched this thing enough. This poll's votes will be counted only up to the end of August, so get your vote in soon!

Feel free to let me know via the poll below, but you can also elaborate with a comment.

Be well, and thank you for participating!




I LOVE the sexyfeet drawings! I need to have one of my girls audition!

Zexus Moneypenny

I love your old drawings! I even love the original characters ^^ keep doing great work!


Kinda a tricky question. I have to think about this one, as putting your original characters behind a paywall would be a bit of a pickle for some, but I suppose at the same time, more of your originals is always welcome as well, because I do love them. I do notice you don't mention the Amours, I must be honest, I was really worried about putting the Amours behind a paywall. To be honest...I'm more familiar with your characters than a lot that's been here already as well.


On second thought though, it would really motivate you more to draw your original content, wouldn't it? I think it would be really good for you to expand your Patreon, honestly. And it would expand other people's horizons here as well, and let you post more. I mean, it's only $1 a month for the basic package, so if someone's interested, it's not too heavy an investment for the lower quality JPEGs. And yeah, I should have been better about the Amour stuff. It's just close to me, being the co creator and all. I just don't wantto get too complex with my group here because I'm worried about splintering my group of Amours among paywalls is all. I apologize. And I will cast my vote for yes.


I’m down for anything. Looking forward to what you have planned.


Some mixture of fan art and original art is almost always a good thing in my book.


Well heck Yeah! It would be very interesting, but I would love to use my girls in the audition for SEXY FEET.


More Samorn is never a bad thing

Iron Joe

By golly, we’re unanimous!

Azure Lounge

Yelloez there, Pardon if I may be late to comment, but I honestly think that having you indulging deeper into your different original properties (and arguably even lore), would be legitimately amazing. Sexy Feet with Jasmine and Samorn speaks for itself due how popular it's naturally grown, and whatever sort of backgrounds or extra features for the futa duo would be just dandy. Now as for the Other Worlds and the Great Fetishy Spirits... I for one am honestly excited to see that the most, given how we had our first few tastes of the two, especially with the newest(?) Spirit's adventure in coming in first contact with The Spore.~ (And before you ask, you honestly have my consent if you wish to include the Spore too.) And of course, more Mia is actually quite a great thing, given your previous point of her being the go-to person in your profiles. That said, I'm also most curious if you will be returning to not just her, but also some, if not, all four of your original characters (Mia, Taylor, Sheena, and Elle). All of this is of course my thoughts on this because in the end, I just love and want to see what you want to open up into. And it's no good if the one making "mostly fun stuff" doesn't get into at least some fun, so please give whatever you yearn for a whirl.~ You've got me, Usethebrakes, and everyone else backing you up in these recent posts, so don't let anything stop you.~ Of course, may peace be with you through this passionate art crusade.~ ^U^