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As the title says I will not be charging anyone for August 2023. I felt like it was the right thing to do. I didn't publish anything last month.

That being said, when things come back for September, there's going to be another price drop. I'm going to drop to $2 a month, and it will never change after that! Bottom line, I want to focus on long term stories that aren't produced every month. Captions when they strike me.

I don't know when I'll stop writing. I am actively writing the next story. I will finish this one. It's good. I don't want to publish on a monthly frequency anymore. I already gave a long explanation about how this patreon directly allowed me to achieve my dreams. I'm doing this because I can support myself on this dream now. 

I've been writing every month for 6 years. I think it's just time my friends. I'll be around still don't worry! I'm targeting August to publish the first chapter. But I think I'll say what we all already know. I'm pretty close to the end. I still want to write, so that end isn't today. But as I have been for the past year, I'll write every caption and story like it could be my last. 

Stay Padded,


"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh



I was first a patron back in July 2019. Since then, I've been on and off for multiple reasons, not all being financial and I've grown a lot as a person, but I've always found my way back home. It's taken me a long time to write this, because I didn't think this post was real. And every time I read it, I end up crying, idk if it's because of the Winnie the pooh quote, or that I'm bad at goodbyes. All of this is to say thank you, congratulations, and I hope you have many more years of success.


KRay, I’ve seen you in and around my page for a long time. Thank you so, so much for all your support these years. YOU are the reason this page happened. Know I’ve loved dearly making these stories for you and everyone else. But don’t worry! I’m not gone yet :) I’ve outlined the first half of bigger fish chapter 2. Should see me post it in November! I wish you nothing but happiness and success in your own life ❤️