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Amanda scrunched her face as she looked down at her swollen pull-up. She pressed her fingers up against the warm outside. Gently, she squeezed the mush, feeling it compress inside. Something didn’t feel right. Her mind questioned reality while she stood in the in between.

“I had to go pee.” She thought. “And then I started peeing in my pull-up. I didn’t stop what I was doing. I just went. Isn’t that… not supposed to happen? Aren’t pull-ups supposed to train you out of them?” Amanda thought. Being a 27-year-old graduate student, Amanda didn’t let things like this slide. She went right to the source. Amanda grabbed her phone and dialed.

“Hey Tracy, I got a quick question for you.” Amanda said, her eyes remained locked on her pull-up. Her free hand curiously prodded at the cooling wet mash while she waited for a response.

“Hi Amanda! I can totally help you with a question. I love questions!” Tracy said, sounding bubblier than Amanda was used to.

“Remeber when you gave me those pack of pull-ups to try?” Amanda inquired.

“Of course I do! It was only a day ago silly. I remember every pack of diapers or pull-ups we’ve shared. Well… maybe not ALL of them, but most through the years!” Tracy said joyfully into the receiver.

“Sorry, you’re right. I… I don’t know. Something weird just happened to me. I just peed myself without warning. Is that supposed to happen in these? I remember you said these pull-ups do something to you, but I can’t remember what it was! I recall getting super excited about it. You’ve been wearing them for a couple days now. Have you experienced anything weird?” Amanda asked, her hand was cupping her accident now.

“Ummmm….” Tracy yelled, “I thinkkkkk it was something about how they have better stickers than usual?” Tracy said, trying in earnest to answer her friend.

“No, that wasn’t it.” Amanda said.

“Well what’s the problem in the first place? You wet yourself. When have we not? That’s what our diapers are for. That’s where we use the potty.” Tracy said.

“The potty…” Amanda thought. She saw moments of a white porcelain chair dash through her mind. They didn’t hold any meaning behind them. That weirded Amanda out. She knew that there was a not-to-distant time in her life when that chair meant something to her. There was some purpose it served. There though, still staring at her droopy pull-up. She couldn’t remember what it was.

“I don’t know, maybe it will come to me!” Amanda said, trying to decompress her nerves. “You got new diapers coming in right?? They’re supposed to do ‘special things’ like these ones?” Amanda teased.

“Why are you saying it like that? These pull-ups are special, and the diapers will be too!” Tracy said in defense.

“These don’t do anything different than a normal pair. You got ripped off girl!” Amanda said.

“The pictures! They are more cuter than the ones at da store!” Tracy lisped back.

“Ohhh yeah, that’s right. You did say that before.” Amanda said, she peered closer at the patterns of faded diapers and teddy bears. There were even a couple of crossed out circles with a toilet in the middle.

“I don’t know why I’m being so silly.” Amanda thought, “That’s exactly what’s different with these!” She thought, happily letting the conversation with her officemate devolve into which colors are prettier, and how much Mac & Cheese they could fit in their hands at dinner time.


“Somethings not right.” Amanda thought, stopping dead in her tracks. Her kneecaps warmed on the carpet from the sudden friction. Her eyes began frantically darting around. “Where is it!? Where is it!!??” Amanda said, feeling an urgency build quickly in her stomach. Her frantic body acted on its own. She started pawing around the floor, until finally, her hand grasped it.

“Horaa!! I founds its!” Amanda yelled, clumsily gripping her pacifier. She shoved the bulb in between her teeth. Her lips enclosed around the rubber, then started a new three-hour sucking streak.

“mwrumwumwum…” Amanda muttered, chewing mindlessly on the rubber. Not much ran through her mind when she started pushing a mess out into her diaper. All she felt was an intense mind-numbing sensation that came with filling a diaper. Everything pushed out the back of her mind and dumped into her diaper. Another experience or technical skill dissolving away permanently.

“I… I go poo poo.” Amanda muttered subconsciously. Unknowingly, a gush of pee squeaked at the end of her mess. She couldn’t tell, the center of her diaper was always warm wet mass. Her personal aroma had devolved into fresh pee and settling messy diaper.

“Wait a second…” Amanda thought, her eyes focused. Her mind felt clarity roll through. “I went potty… but what does that mean? Isn’t there a place to do that? It’s my diaper, but I don’t think everyone has diapers, otherwise they would call it going to the diaper.” Amanda felt puzzled, she saw a faded memory in her mind vaguely verify her jumbled train of thought. Her legs turned her around. She started crawling toward the bathroom.

Her hands felt the cool tile. Her bathroom looked pristine. Purely because she hadn’t stepped foot in it in over three weeks. Her head swiveled around curiously; a pigtail lightly slapped in her in the face from the momentum.

The room felt like a strange laboratory. Foreign utensils scattered across the room. She cocked her head at the tall table to her right, it had a silver faucet. She could see herself standing in front of it before, but that was it. She couldn’t understand any function they served other than decor. The white tub to her left didn’t jog much either

“I think thas where bath times happen…?” Amanda thought, but she wasn’t positive about that. The real mystery was right in front of her. “Someone put a chair in here. Why would they sit down in a room like this?” She thought. Her eyes stared intensely at the seat. She searched her mind for any shred of purpose. Through pure miracle. She felt it connect in her mind.

“WAIT!” Amanda suddenly sputtered behind her pacifier. Her head turned around to the mirror that caught her eye when she crawled in. She saw her messy diaper butt in the reflection. “I KNOW WAT DIS ROOM FOR!” She squealed, she got up onto her feet. She had to use the décor table for support. She propped herself up against the wall down to her bedroom. She grabbed her phone from the bed and scuttled back.

“Dis room for takin’ pictures!” She thought happily. It made sense, what other rooms had mirrors? She struck a pose with her pacifier.

Amanda felt content settled into her chest. She’d finally solved a nagging question that’d been plaguing her for weeks now. She was well-off enough to have her own picture room! Simple as that. She’d use the white chair in the back to post them. That, and she liked the feeling it gave her when her diaper pressed up against the seat.



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