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“I really need to get up and…” Julie thought to herself, but a wave of static washed through her brain before she could finish the thought. She furrowed her brow and robotically wiped the bangs away from her forehead. Her eyes squinted while she used her mental might to try and regain her train of thought.

“I’m trying to, get up and use the, um, I thought I knew this one?” She thought, feeling a foreign weight inside her body. Her body was trying to tell her something, but she didn’t understand. Like a pain in your side, you know it’s there, but you don’t know why. Julie felt her hands start to brush up against warm mushy padding between her thighs. She gained a far away look in her eyes as every thought in her mind grew quiet.

“What… I… ma….mama….maaa…..” Julie said, her words devolving into a babbling whisper at the end. The neurons responsible for organized speech stopped firing. They felt shriveled in Julie’s spacey mind. Thoughts of gibberish cycled aimlessly through her brain. Her entire existence was the growing warm weight in her pull-up. Her brain power was enveloped in the warm wet waves from her pull-up. The feelings in her bladder slowly dissipated.

“What..?” Julie said, her brain suddenly clawing back to some resemblance of adulthood. Her consciousness returned as her eyes blinked back into reality. She placed a soothing hand onto her forehead. “What is happening to me? I just spaced out for…” Julie said to herself, she looked up at the clock across the room next to her white stuffed bear. It took her brain a while to decipher the numbers, the concept of them felt fuzzy in her mind. “… holy cow! Three hours?!” Julie said, looking down at herself. She didn’t even register the dry crusty drool that ran down from her breast. Instead, her mind fixated on the droopy wet pull-up.

“I don’t even remember going.” Julie thought, trying to search her memory for the moment she told her bladder to let go, but it simply wasn’t there. Her pull-up had become wet completely on its own accord. Independent of input from Julie’s wants. She felt a crashing wave of embarrassment rush through her. She felt trapped in her pull-up. They weren’t for show. She felt like she genuinely needed them, otherwise there’s be a puddle on the floor without a whisper of warning.

Julie got off her knees and onto her feet. Her mind felt like it was coming up for air. She became increasingly aware of her bizarre surroundings. This wasn’t her room, in fact, she’d never been in this room in her entire life. What was this place? Her frantic eyes locked onto the door across the nursery.

“I need to get the heck out of here!” Julie said, her socks pressed into the soft green carpet as she quickly moved across the room. She saw the door open before she could place her hand around the knob.

“Looks like someone just woke up from her nap!” the woman said in a soft tone. Her affectionate eyes drew Julie’s in almost instantaneously. Her legs stopped against her will. Her back stood-up straight like a soldier at attention. Julie felt her mind grow fuzzy again. Her inner monologue melted through the cracks in her skull. She became affixed to the woman’s comforting aura.

“I needa get ouwta hewre…. Mama…” Julie felt herself utter. She didn’t mean to say that part at the end, but it strangely felt right. The woman presence was commanding.

“You aren’t trying to run away again, aren’t you? Remember what we talked about yesterday? You said this is what you wanted, remember?” The woman said, taking a step into the room. Julie responded by taking a step back of her own.

“I don’t… remember…?” Julie said, trying to make sense of the situation. That didn’t seem right, or was it? She felt so confused. Nothing seemed right in her head. She held ideas up to the light in her mind, but even she couldn’t make sense of them.

“Baby, you’re thinking too much. Why don’t you lay down on the table. You’re leaking all over the place.” She said, it was true, a puddle of pee was forming at her feet. “I told you that you weren’t old enough for pull-ups. You need to be put back into diapers where you belong. Remember? You told me you wanted them anyways.” Mommy said, grabbing Julie’s hand. She guided her to the changing table.

“Mommy said I want to be in diapers…” Julie thought lazily through her brain. It was difficult thinking this hard. It was easier to let herself melt into the background fuzz of her mind and let her Mommy’s words become reality.



“I’m wet!” Julie thought, excitement pulsing through her mind. The overwhelming feeling lit up her brain like the sun. She felt a beaming smile grow around her pink pacifier from the sheer level of happiness. Julie wasn’t just ecstatic because she was wet, which on its own was already produced profound joy in her chest. But this meant she could finally prove to Mommy she really was a big kid!

After the ‘pull-up’ incident, Mommy helped Julie get back into the right mindset. She reminded her of how Julie had always wanted to stay in diapers. She never wanted anything else around her waist besides a safe crinkly diaper. The lullabies she made her listen to each night really helped cement those ideas in her mind. Julie felt exceedingly lucky to have someone like her Mommy to remind her how she felt everyday. It was hard enough to keep her mind focused on something as simple as saying her ABC’s. She wouldn’t know anything about herself without Mommy.

Julie desperately wanted to impress her Mommy. Recognizing she was wet, for the first time in a long time, was perfect! This meant she could change into a new one all by herself. She could see it now, Mommy walks into the nursery asking if she needs a change, Julie could point to her diaper and say something really smart like, “Nope, I already changed into a new one, Mommy. Because I am a big kid, and I change my own wet diapers!” She used this positive momentum to crawl across the room toward her drawer of diapers. Her knees supported her body on the pink carpet as her fingers gripped the lowest handles. She opened them with a quick tug.

“Huh?” She thought, cocking her head to the side. These weren’t diapers. Her lips pulled her pacifier in tighter at the unexpected sight. Her hands ran across the folded pair of jeans, before stopping just short of her dress jacket. The clothes caused a light to turn on in the back of Julie’s brain. Her eyes peered deeper into the drawer before feeling something in the jean’s back pocket. Her fingers fished into them. She pulled out a pair of car keys and a folded piece of paper. Julie placed the car keys next to her before she began to unfold the paper.

“T- t- t hh… erm..” Julie said, doing her best to read the words on the page. They were just barely at her reading level. Deep in her mind, she heard the phrase, “Sound it out!” in her own voice. She faintly recalled saying those same words to someone her own age. But that didn’t make any sense. Why would she be teaching someone in diapers about reading when she could barely do the same? She let that silly nonsense exit her mind.

“Th-thera- therapy….. th-aree… two three… m-maine sss… sssst….street. Huh?” She thought, “What does that mean?” She thought, trying to reason together the string of words. Her brain started deciphering the code.

“Oh wait!” Julie thought, suddenly throwing the piece of paper to the side. “Momma tolds me if I needa thinks, I donts!” Julie said, that drooly smile returning to her face. She let her reading comprehension empty from her brain. Her lack of object permanence forced her to completely forget about the piece of paper before standing up again. She grabbed the white bear on the floor next to her on the way up.

“Momma says I don’ wanna think…. I don’ wanna think….. I wan’ diaperrsss….” Julie thought, feeling a rush of warmth gush into her diaper. She lifted her skirt to get a better look at it, her mommy told her that she loved the sight of wet diapers, and she was absolutely right! The warm mushy feeling in her brain and diaper took over her entire existence. Her eyes closed. Her mind lost the ability to remember or form words. The power of her wet diapers drowned her mind back into the babyish ocean that filled her head.

Julie’s mushy diaper butt fell directly onto her direction. She didn’t need it anymore. That’s what she had her mommy for! She knew Julie wants and needs better than she ever could now.



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